Cactuskwekerij Stolk

Cactuskwekerij Stolk

Cactuskwekerij Stolk is located in Maasdijk. In addition to cacti, you will also find succulents and house plants in the greenhouse. We have been working together for years, to Martijn Stolk's full satisfaction. "JBB is simply an amazing partner." Well, that's what we like to hear!

"The sleeves for the plants depict a desert. It makes for a nice change, so we hear from the market. Our customers are excited, the products sells well."

Martijn Stolk - owner Cactus Nursery Stolk

In addition to sleeves, we also provide Cactuskwekerij Stolk with products such as Danish trolleys, extensions and wrapping foil. According to Martijn, these products offer added value. "It is very convenient for us that these products can also be delivered immediately. Ordering at JBB is always smooth and quick."

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The door is always open at JBB. Whether it's a look behind the scenes or to see our range in real life. Will we see you soon?

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