

Levoplant is one of the largest Phalaenopsis growers in the Netherlands. Around four years ago, Levoplant wanted to create a brand that would be easy for everyone to understand, and recognised by consumers all over Europe. At the time, we were already supplying them with added value, sleeves, labels and promotional material, and were given the honour of being invited to contribute to this idea!

“We experienced the collaboration with JBB as very positive. Thanks to our long-standing relationship and the short communication lines, we communicate very smoothly. When one of the parties has an idea, we understand each other without a need for much further explanation.

This makes the collaboration pleasant and efficient, which we value very much”.

Mischa from Levoplant

Together we developed 'ILIKE® Orchids', a brand meant to always generate a positive and happy feeling in consumers. We took on the graphic design and development of the chic ILIKE® Orchids bag, covers and labels, to give this brand an optimal, distinctive look!

We are delighted to have been able to contribute to the development of such a brilliant brand and are proud of long-term partnerships like this. And the great thing is that, thanks to its success, ILIKE® Orchids has recently been expanded to ILIKE® Plants, and we were once again asked to help with the development of it!

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